This website profiles the many, many authors and artists associated with Lake Chapala. It mainly focuses on authors and artists who lived or worked in the area from 1900 to 1980, and who are no longer with us. This index lists authors’ biographies currently (as of 2 March 2025) on this site (this companion page lists artists). This list continues to grow, so watch this space!
Mysteries / other:
- 25 novels set largely or entirely at Lake Chapala
- Did the “well-known writer” Max Poyntz (1918-1999) ever write his proposed trilogy?
- Did James Michener (1907-1997) ever visit Lake Chapala?
- Did Ernest Hemingway ever visit Lake Chapala?
- Mary Duff Stirling (Lady Twysden) [Hemingway connection]
- Did Bet Lamoureux (1909-1989) ever complete the book she was writing in Ajijic?
- Did Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) ever visit Lake Chapala?
- The West Mexican Society for Advanced Study (1971-1974)
- Post-1970 writing about the Ajijic retirement community
- The origin of the popular Mexican saying about “Dust on my Heart”
- A Christmas Potpourri of Lake Chapala Links
- Canadian artists and authors associated with Lake Chapala
- Writers associated with Hotel Ribera Castellanos
- Chapala: Ciudad Señorial e Insigne (review)
- Galeria del Lago, Ajijic, and its 1972 Cookbook with Art
- Serenata de Chapala (1939) – earliest play related to Lake Chapala?
- Anon. What was Chapala like in 1925?
- 1940 Book, “Mexico’s Western Highways”
- Fact-checking “A Brief History of Ajijic” (review/critique)
- How reliable is the history in “The History of Lakeside”? (review/critique)
- Artists and authors who searched for idols at Lake Chapala
- Isidoro Pulido helped many of the greats of Chapala
- The literary and artistic connections of the Mi México building in Ajijic
- Verna Aardema (1911-2000)
- Diego José Abad (1727-1779)
- Jesús Acal Ilisaliturri (1856-1902)
- Zara Alexeyewa, aka La Rusa (1896-1989)
- Giuseppe Antona (1865-1931)
- Luis Arceo Preciado (1926-2018)
- Evan Atkinson (1924-2011)
- Leanne Averbach
- Leonora Baccante (ca 1905-?)
- Bernardo de Balbuena – earliest known poetic reference to Lake Chapala
- George Ballou (1927 -?1986)
- George Carpenter Barker (1912-1958)
- Honorato Barrera Buenrostro (1870-1952)
- Elizabeth Bartlett (1911-1994)
- Eileen Bassing (1918-1977)
- Robert Bassing (1925-2024)
- Dorothy Bastien (1906-1985)
- Ralph Leon Beals (1901-1985)
- Sybille Bedford (1911-2006)
- Charles Beebe (1877-1962)
- Betty Bell (?-?)
- Barbara Bickmore (1927-2015)
- E. Ernest Bilbrough (1861-1891)
- Earle Birney (1904-1995)
- Robert Jere Black (1892-1953)
- Charles Bogert (1908-1992)
- Vance Bourjaily (1922-2010)
- Paul Bowles (1910-1999), writer and composer
- Mildred Boyd (1921-2010)
- John Brandi, painter and poet
- Bruce Buckingham (pen name of Dane Chandos – detective stories)
- Witter Bynner (1881-1968)
- Francisco Cabrera (?-1965)
- Arthur Brooke Caden (ca 1871-1906)
- Taylor Caldwell (1900-1985)
- Ruben M. Campos (1871-1945)
- Fred Walker Carmichael (1924-2009)
- Thomas Carmichael (ca 1920-1972)
- William English Carson (1870-1940)
- Martín Casillas (born 1941)
- Dane Chandos (pen name):
- Louis Henry Charbonneau (1924-2017)
- Elliot Chess (ca 1898-1962)
- Pema Chödrön (1936-)
- Garland Franklin Clifton (1922-2013)
- Georgia Cogswell – see George Rae Marsh
- Barbara Compton (1902-1999)
- Joseph Cottler (1899-1996)
- Helen Creighton (1899-1989)
- Ellis Credle Townsend (1902-1998)
- Frieda Hauswirth Das (1886-1974)
- Antonio de Alba (1900-1958)
- Vitold de Szyszlo (1881-1965)
- Gina Dessart Hildreth (1912-1979)
- Charles A Dickinson (1910-1950)
- David Dodge (1910-1974), novelist and travel writer
- Adolfo Dollero (1872-1936)
- Bruce Douglas (1897-ca 1961)
- Jan Dunlap (1927-2018)
- Brian Boru Dunne (1878-1962)
- Henry F Edwards (1933-)
- Arnold Eiloart (1907-1981)
- role in Peter Arnold
- Edgar Ellinger (1906-1974)
- Peter Elstob (1915-2002)
- role in Peter Arnold
- Charles Embree (1874-1905)
- Erik Erikson (1902-1994)
- Salvador Escudero (1883-1946)
- Clayton Eshleman (1935-2021)
- Sam Eskin (1898-1974), ethnomusicologist
- William R. (“Bill”) Evans (1923-2001)
- Peter Everwine (1930-)
- Ixca Farias (1873-1947)
- Arthur Davison Ficke (1883-1945)
- Frances Christine Fisher (1846-1920), aka Christian Reid
- Norman D Ford (1921-2009)
- Harry Alverson Franck (1881-1962)
- Joan Van Every Frost (1929-2012)
- Howard Fryer (1941-2013)
- Harry Furniss (1920-2015)
- Rodney Alexander Gallop (1901-1948)
- Gordon Gammack (1909-1974)
- Dorothy Garlock (1919-2018)
- Renée George (1924-2010)
- Clifford Gessler (1893-1979)
- Eduardo A Gibbon (1845-1897)
- Willa Gibbs (1917-1999)
- Jack Gilbert, poet (1925-2012)
- Owen Wallace Gillpatrick (1862-1925)
- Martin M. Goldsmith (1913-1994)
- Francisco González Rubalcaba (?-?)
- Luis Gonzaga Urbina (1864-1934)“El Poema del lago” (“The Lake Poem”)
- Katharine (Katie) Goodridge Ingram (1938-)
- Elaine Gottlieb (1916-2004)
- Andrew Grayson (1919-1869)
- A. Gringo [pseudonym, possibly of Charles Manwell St Hill (1848-c 1908 ), NOT Arthur St. Hill]
- Juan Pablo Guzmán (1909-?)
- Oakley Hall (1920-2008)
- Mary Hampton (1899-1997)
- Lorraine Hansberry (1930-1965)
- Michael Hargraves (1952-)
- Frederic Haskin (1873-1944)
- Frieda Hauswirth Das (1886-1974)
- Frank Herbert (1920-1986)
- Chester P. Hewitt (1922 -1980)
- Gina Hildreth – see Gina Dessart (1912-1979)
- Donald William Hogan (1928-1971)
- Karen Horney (1885-1952)
- Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859)
- Hugh Allyn Hunt (1931-2022)
- Robert (Bob) Hunt (1906-1964)
- Leland H Ives (1859-1943)
- Francisco Izábal Iriarte (1871-1947)
- Neill James (1895-1994)
- Willard “Spud” Johnson (1897-1968)
- Bertha Kaiser (?-1948) – diary excerpts, Chapala 1912-1922
- Kate Karns (born 1921)
- Charles Kaufman (1904-1991)
- James Kelly (1912-1993)
- Lysander Kemp (1920-1992)
- Mary Frances Kennedy Fisher (1908-1992)
- Zoe Kernick (1915-2006)
- Rose Georgina Kingsley (1845-1925)
- Smith Kirkpatrick (1922-2008)
- Mabel F. Knight (1879-?)
- Dudley Kuzell (1896-1969)
- Elizabeth L. “Betty” Kuzell (1895-1986)
- Bet Lamoureux (1909-1989)
- Fred Lape (1900-1985)
- D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930)
- John Lee (1931-2013)
- Jim Levy (1940-)
- Arthur H. Lewis, (1906-1995)
- Peter Lilley [see also Dane Chandos]
- Rixford Lincoln (1872-1962)
- Manuel López Cotilla (1800-1861)
- José López Portillo y Rojas (1850-1923)
- Rafael López (1873-1943)
- Carl Sophus Lumholtz (1851–1922)
- Ross MacDonald [pen name of Kenneth Millar]
- Mary Starr MacNicol (ca 1916- ca 1970)
- Maria de Jesus Magallon Perez (1924–1957)
- Norman Mailer (1923-2007)
- Clarence Major (1936-)
- Temple Manning (?-?)
- George Rae Marsh (Williams) (1925-1997)
- Willard “Butch” Marsh (1922-1970)
- Winifred Martin (1869-1961)
- Harold Walter Masson (1915-2011)
- Carol Shepherd McClain (b 1939)
- Samuel McCulloch (1921-1991)
- Jack McDonald (1899-1997)
- Bart McDowell (1923-2009)
- Ralph McGinnis (1894-1966)
- Clement Woodward Meighan (1925-1997)
- Aileen Olsen Melby (1921-2003)
- Kenneth Millar (1915-1983)
- Emily Huntington Miller (1833-1913)
- Virginia Downs Miller (1914-2005)
- Nigel Millett [see also Dane Chandos]
- Barbara Moore (1934-2002)
- Richard Zdenko Moravec (1894-ca 1960)
- Roger Emil Neuman (1941-2001)
- Álvaro Ochoa Serrano (1948-)
- José de Olivares (1867-1942)
- Gwendolen Overton (1874-1958)
- Blair Niles (1880-1959)
- Charles Bernard Nordhoff (1887-1947)
- Ramón Martínez Ocaranza (1915-1982)
- Hans Oppenheimer (1892-1965)
- Gabino Ortiz Villaseñor (1819-1885)
- Hilda Marie Osterhout (c 1925-2016)
- Anthony Ostroff (1923-1978)
- Ross Parmenter
- Elsie Crews Parsons (1875-1941)
- James Patterson (born 1947)
- Honorable Selina Maud Pauncefote (1862-1919)
- Ireneo Paz (1836-1924)
- Luis Pérez Verdía (1857-1914)
- Richard Wendell Phillips Jr. (1929-2010)
- William Bentz Plagemann (1913-1991)
- Ned Polsky (1928-2000)
- Al Purdy (1918-2000)
- Idella Purnell (1901-1982)
- Joe Rayter – see Mary Fuller McChesney, artist
- Ellis E ‘Bill’ Reed (?-)
- H. Owen Reed (1910-2014)
- Gustav Regler (1898-1963)
- Jan Richman
- Ray Rigby (1916-1995)
- Victoriano Roa (?-?) (19th Century)
- Thomas L Rogers (1851-1901)
- José Ruben Romero (1890-1952)
- Ruth Ross-Merrimer (1925-2011)
- Ramón Rubín (1912-2000)
- Jose Rafael Rubio (1879-1917)
- George Ryga (1932-1987)
- José Sánchez Villaseñor (1911-1961)
- Wilhelm Schiess (1869-1929)
- Stephen Schneck (1933-1996)
- Sandra Scofield (?-)
- George Seaton (1888-1944)
- Lorenzo Semple Jr. (1923-2014)
- Regina Shekerjian (1923-2000)
- Vida Hills Shepard (1885-1972)
- Arvid Shulenberger (1918-1964)
- John Sinclair (1902-1993)
- Ken Smedley
- Virginia Snow (1908-1959)
- Bob Somerlott (1928-2001)
- Bart Spicer, writer of detective and spy mysteries
- Emma-Lindsay Squier (1892-1941)
- Leo Stanley (1886-1976)
- Anthony Stansfeld (1913-1998)
- Edna Mae Stark (1909-?)
- Frederick Starr (1858-1933)
- William Standish Stone (1905-1970)
- William Strange (1902-1983)
- Barbara Nolen Strong (1902-2002), editor children’s books
- Horace Sutton (1919-1991)
- Glendon Swarthout (1918-1992)
- Miles Swarthout (1946-2016)
- Edmond Szekely (1905-1979)
- José Juan Tablada (1871-1945)
- Esther Tapia de Castellanos (1842-1897)
- Robert Lewis Taylor (1912-1998)
- Thomas Philip Terry (1864-1945)
- Calvin Tomkins (1925-)
- Mary Ashley Townsend (1832-1901)
- Alexander Trocchi (1925-1984)
- John Upton (1917-2005)
- Luis Gonzaga Urbina (1864-1934)
- Dale Van Every (1896-1976)
- see also daughter Joan Van Every Frost
- Jack Vance (1916-2013)
- Christopher Veiel (1925-?)
- Enrique Villaseñor y de La Parra (1865-1934)
- Fanny Ward (1843-1913)
- Edwin Hall Warner (1858-1927)
- Robert Penn Warren
- ruth weiss (1928-2020)
- Howard Wheeler (ca 1896-1968)
- Tennessee Williams – productive summer at Lake Chapala
- Hazel Wilson (1897-1992)
- William Winnie Jr. (1928-1988)
- Marie Robinson Wright (1853-1914)
- Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952)
- Al Young (1939-2021), poet and novelist
- Bethel Young (?-?)
- Salomón Zepeda (1917-1985)
Comments, corrections and additional material are welcome, whether via the comments feature or email.